WP4 – Numerical simulations and validation of tools for the FS definition in URM structures

WP4 aims to:

  • validate a nonlinear equivalent frame model of URM masonry structure through the numerical simulation of the experimental shaking-table tests performed in WP2
  • quantify the effects of the building’s features and nonlinearity on the FS definition through parametric analyses
  • quantify the effects of input characteristics on the FS definition
  • definition of a dataset for the assessment of the effectiveness of current code and literature proposals for the evaluation of FS for URM buildings


Task 4.1 – Set-up and calibration of numerical models of the URM prototype

In this Task, firstly a numerical model of the experimental URM prototype will be setup and calibrated, using as a target the dynamic identification performed before the shaking-table tests. Then, the numerical simulation of the experimental campaign through incremental nonlinear dynamic analyses will be developed. In particular, the equivalent frame modeling approach will be employed to describe the in-plane response of the masonry prototype. The comparison of the results at global and local scales (e.g. in terms of hysteretic shear-displacement curves, damage pattern, accelerations on sensors, and floor spectra) will allow the model validation in the linear and nonlinear range.


Task 4.2 – Numerical parametric analyses

Following the same methodological approach described in Task 3.2 for the r.c. specimen: firstly, a set of configurations will be defined, varying the prototype layout (e.g. number of floors and layout of openings) and features (e.g. considering flexible, stiff, or rigid floors) to investigate the effects of the building characteristics on the FS definition. Then, for each configuration, nonlinear dynamic analyses will be performed applying the selected ground motions of increasing intensities. The comparison of the results in terms of FS will allow quantifying the effects of building characteristics and structural nonlinearity; moreover, the use for the experimental tests of a selection of seismic input of different characteristics (in terms of frequency contents, duration, and intensities) will allow investigating these effects as well. Finally, the validation of analytical tools at present available for the floor spectra definition will be performed, using as input the data from the calibrated models and the experimental tests.