WP1 – Seismic input definition on NSCs: numerical and experimental evidence and review of methods prescribed by codes

WP1 provides the project state-of-the-art. It aims to:

  • identify parameters which mainly affect the estimation of NSCs seismic demands
  • assess their effects on amplitude and shape of FS

To pursue these aims, WP1 will be organized in two Tasks, whose planned activities are summarized below.


Task 1.1 – Literature review of past numerical and experimental studies

This Task will develop a critical review of numerical studies and experimental shake-table tests performed in the recent past to investigate the amplification phenomenon. As a result, the influential parameters mostly affecting the definition of the filtered input at upper levels will be identified and an open-access database of past experimental campaigns performed will be defined, summarizing: features of the examined prototype (e.g. main geometric data and constructive features, materials of the LRS, number of stories); characteristics of the applied ground motions (intensity, frequency contents and duration); collected data (e.g. acceleration time histories at the different levels, identified dynamic parameters); main results achieved and observed trends. The sources will be clarified, specifying if the test results are available or not for further evaluation.


Task 1.2 – Review of codes methods for the computation of the NSCs seismic demand

This Task will develop a critical review and comparison of methods currently prescribed by codes for the estimation of the seismic demand on NSCs, highlighting those that explicitly consider the influential parameters identified in the previous Task. As a result, the main strong and weak points will be identified for each available methodology.